A Lawrence University junior gets a taste of life in Paris {and living on the semester schedule - whoa}.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Salut, tout le monde!

Hello, and welcome to my adventure in Frenchland! I promise to get a real post up soon, but for the moment, at least you can all know that I still exist.
For future reference {i.e., when I have an actual post up}, I'm handwriting my entries, then posting them here, so don't get confused by the additional dates that I'll most likely be adding at the top righthand corner.
So sit tight, relax, and imagine all of the amazing things I'm doing in lieu of posting on this blog. And soon, you'll actually hear about them.


Dolores said...

Great to hear from you. Have a blast, Love, Mom

Melanie said...

Frenchland? :p Je ne peux pas attendre a entendre tout ce que tu fais en Suisse et en France! Et je ne sais pas pourquoi mon nom est "Melanos", c'etait mon frere qui a etabli cet email pour moi et donc il m'a appelle mon nom en Grecque, apparaitrement.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited!
ps this is Cora :)